This is my first post and I just want to set up what this blog will be about. As you can tell by the title I'm going to be talking a lot about Baseball, the sport I love. Just a little about myself would be my favorite MLB team is the Atlanta Braves. Even though I don't live in Atlanta it was the city I was born in and I can't help but love the team. Up until a few years go they had the longest streak of making it to the post season of any team. And not until recently they were a team to be feared in the NL East but even with their years of dominance lasting over a decade they only earned one world series championship. With in the past few years the Marlins an the Phillies have both won championships, the Phillies winning just last year.
The Braves being my favorite baseball team my favorite player is obviously the best player on the braves: Chipper Jones. Although I do have to say I use to be a big fan of Andru Jones (I even modeled my baseball swing after his) but his trade and subsequent decline led to me not being as big of a fan anymore. While the two Jones boys use to be my favorite position players, my favorite pitchers would have to be the greatest pitching trio of all time: Greg Maddux, John Smoltz, and Tom Glavine. These three were the main driving force behind the braves historic run. All three more than Hall of Fame worthy but I believe Greg Maddux in particular should be considered the greatest right hand pitcher of this era.